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No-Code for WEB SITE
No-Code for MOBILE APP
No-Code for AI
Not only is Aigap suitable for simple projects, but it is also capable of handling big scale projects with ease.
Do you know that you can have your own No-Code platform with AiGAP?
AiGAP is a WHITE LABEL product.
You can open a blank page in technology with your own brand, logo, and colors.
Are you ready for the new digital world with Aigap?
Create your project and publish it instantly within a Super Web.
Don't buy a domain name.
Don't buy hosting services.
Do you still think you need any search engine? Think again :)
Learn about the AiGAP No-Code Platform by watching more movies.
To access more information about our platform, click on the movie located on the right side of the other videos layout.
Introduction Movie 1
Related Movies
Generate AI Models Quickly with Our
Drag-and-Drop Workflow
Capabilities for Web Sites
Take a look at the types of web projects that can be created using AiGAP
Capabilities for Mobile Apps
Check out these sample screens for mobile apps created with AiGAP
Design your forms with ease and style - with Aigap
Transform your forms into experiences - with Aigap Form Editor's interactive components
Artificial Intelligence
Experience the future of automation - with AI integrated into Aigap
SEO Optimization
Unlock your website's potential with powerful SEO integrations
Get the whole story from your data into a report with ease that bring clarity to complex information
Language and Theme
Use the multi-language and theme option to share your ideas with the world
Easily associate your events with your
artificial intelligence formations
AIML is a run-time programming language that assists in creating logical algorithms for various applications
No-Script, No-Build
Completely Object Oriented
Easy To Use
Extented Command Library
Perfectly Isolated Instances
Bring Your Ideas to Life, Without Writing a Line
Create with AiGAP!
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